When You Visit
Trinity loves Sundays! Here’s what you can expect.OUR SUNDAY GATHERING
When should I arrive?
Our Sunday Gathering begins at 10 AM. But, we invite you to arrive a few minutes early to enjoy a cup of coffee and meet some of our members. They’re eager to meet you!
Where should I go?
Our Sunday Gatherings are held at 1200 Easton Road Abington, PA 19001. Park in the lot behind the building (just off of Radcliffe Avenue). There is a rear building entrance just to the left side (as you’re facing the rear of the building). After you enter the building, just follow signs! Every Sunday morning our Connect Team will be standing by to guide you to our gathering space, nurseries, etc. Wheelchair access is available.
What should I wear?
At Trinity, we’re a family with people from all walks of life. Please wear whatever is most comfortable for you.
What are my childcare options?
Trinity Kids is a safe place for our kids to be led into a discovery of the glory of God. We provide simple childcare for infants through toddlers and age-directed teaching for children 3 years through Sixth Grade. Infant and toddler care is available from when you arrive until the conclusion of the gathering. Three year olds through Sixth Graders are dismissed after the musical portion of our worship gathering. If you have a child with special needs, please email our TrinityKids Director (tkids@trinityab.com) and let us know how we can serve you.

what happens on sunday?
We celebrate the gospel together each Sunday because it’s the good news that Jesus lived, died, and rose to life to save anyone who trusts in Him.
The gospel stirs our affections for Jesus. One way we demonstrate these affections is through singing. We sing a variety of songs, both ancient and new, that engage both heart and mind with serious joy in Jesus. You’re welcome to sing along or simply observe.
We preach from an ancient text with modern and sometimes disturbingly relevant applications. The Bible is our authority and the Gospel is central. Typically, we work through books of the Bible, verse-by-verse, taking the point of the passage as the point of the message. The glorious person, work, and mission of Christ is paramount in all of our teaching and preaching.
We celebrate communion each week. During this time, we remember Jesus’ great work on our behalf to satisfy the wrath of God and bring us into communion with Him. God invites all those who have trusted in Jesus to come and feast with Him.
Because God has already given us all we need in Jesus, it only makes sense to have our own giving reflect His. We give because He gave (and gives!). Giving is one way we see the mission of God go forth locally, nationally, and globally. If you’re visiting, please don’t feel any pressure to give. We’re just glad you’ve joined us!
Community Groups
At Trinity, we’re convinced that Sundays are absolutely essential but not fully sufficient to flourish as a Christian. Community Groups are an important way we do life together–seeking to know one another and be known–as we all seek to know Jesus and make Him known. We hope you can get connected with one of our Community Groups on Sunday while you’re here.