online Giving

Joyfully. Sacrificially. Regularly.


We serve a God who is lavish in His generosity. We give because He gave. Our generous giving is rooted in an unquenchable desire to spread the fame of God and join Him in meeting the needs of our church, our community and the world. We give joyfully because Jesus, for the joy set before Him, gave Himself for us. God loves joyful givers because it reflects His own generous heart. We give sacrificially because Jesus has given sacrificially. Though He was rich, He became poor for our sake, so that we, through His poverty, might become rich. We give regularly to follow the Old Testament and Early Church’s example of consistent giving. This helps Trinity properly budget for how it will enter into the mission of making the glory and gospel of God known locally, nationally, and globally.

When I give to Trinity, where does the money go?
Simply put, mission takes money. Your generosity makes mission and discipleship happen. Every dollar you contribute fuels the preaching of the Word, equipping of the saints, overseas missionaries, and church planters locally and abroad. It also covers our operating expenses (like our lease, kids curriculum, and Cheez-Its) and staffing needs.
Should I give based on my pre-tax or after-tax income?
The Bible doesn’t use terms like “net” or “gross.” God is most concerned with the spirit in which we give. He tells us in 2 Corinthians 9 that “each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give; not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

How can I give?
Giving at Trinity is simple and secure. There are several different options. You can bring cash or check to any of our gatherings, or you can give by credit card via our secure online portal.

What if I don’t have enough to give?
Giving to your church can be a daunting commitment! However, God promises that bountiful sowing will reap bountiful blessing. We all must learn to trust that God is faithful to provide. Seek His guidance in how much you should give and He will surely honor your generous obedience. Setting aside 10% of your earnings is a great place to start as a steward of what God has given you.

What are the guidelines for financial integrity at Trinity?
The pastors (both paid and unpaid) of Trinity oversee and lead the church in the management and use of our finances. They are assisted by the Finance Team. The Elders review and analyze regular budgets and financial statements in an effort to support the mission of Trinity. These men are tasked to ensure that adequate controls are in place to safeguard the church’s financial resources, protect the reputation of the church, and be utterly transparent with Trinity’s financial practices.

We maintain strict confidentiality about our donors and do not sell or publish this information.

How can I track my giving for tax purposes?
Year-end Giving Statements will be sent to each donor, each year by January 31. These statements will be delivered via email or postal mail.