Learn about membership and how we do life together.MEMBERSHIP
Weighty & Wonderful
In God’s providence, Christians are absolutely dependent upon one another. We’re both needy (we need one another) and needed (we’re needed by one another). And, though we are many, we are one. Here’s how the Apostle Paul said it: “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body….” Church membership is a solemn (it’s weighty) and joyful (it’s wonderful) covenant to live as lights in the darkness together. In this covenant, church members are cared for, protected, and commissioned by the church. In turn, the church body is strengthened by its members who collectively embrace and live out the mission of Jesus. Membership isn’t an exclusive perk for hyper-committed Christians. It’s normative. And, it’s for any believer that desires to experience the fullness of God’s intended plan for growth and grace in their journey with Jesus.
become a member
Becoming a member at Trinity is a simple, yet thorough process. Here it is:
1. Membership Class with a Pastor & Other Prospective Members
Register here for one of our upcoming membership classes. During this class, one of our pastors will relay our mission, core beliefs, membership expectations, opportunities to serve, and why you should join a church (even if it’s not Trinity!). This is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn more about Trinity’s beliefs, vision, and methodology. If you register for this class, you’re certainly not obligated to join.
2. Submit a Membership Application
After you’ve attended one of our membership classes, if you’re ready to commit, you’ll submit a membership application to the pastors. Before submitting your application, please read our Statement of Faith and Member Covenant.
3. Membership Interview with a Pastor
During this meeting, you’ll meet with a pastor to recount your story of how God has redeemed and is renewing you.
4. Officially Join Our Membership in a Family Meeting
On a Sunday, you’ll officially covenant with us (and we with you) and join us as we seek to know Christ and make Him known in all the cracks and crevices of Abington and all the way around the globe.
Trinity Community Church’s emphasis on membership is rooted in our deep love for our members. We’re committed to your flourishing gospel joy and holiness. We firmly believe these experiences are most fully realized in the context of the covenant relationships in a local church.
community groups

Church isn’t a place you go, but a group of people covenanted to pursue Jesus together (in community).
Trinity’s Community Groups are the central way we live out this vision. Each week, we gather in homes across Abington to share meals together, laugh together, weep together, pray for one another, care for one another, engage our neighbors together, study our Bibles together, and talk about Jesus. A lot.
Regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, social status, history or background, we come together in the name of Jesus for the fame of Jesus and for the good of one another. We live on the outskirts one of the most people-saturated cities in America. Yet still, with all of these people, it’s still so easy to feel alone and anonymous. We invite you to do life with us in community. To know and be known–as we all seek to know Jesus and make Him known.

Mel Benson

Marlene Benson

Joel Craven

Heather Craven

Bob Ewerth

Joe Gough

Rachel Gough

Rae Harff

Lee Henderson

Sue Henderson

Dan Lloyd

Joan Lloyd

Greg Mitchell

Steph Mitchell

Rich Mench

Chryss Mench

Ben Roberts

Steph Roberts
Please email John for more information on Community Group locations and rhythms.