Limit 10 women. Sign up by emailing by Thursday, May 28

Do you desire to know the Bible better? Do you long for others to know it better too? Maybe God is calling you to hone your skills as a Bible student and even grow as a Bible teacher.

The Goal

We want to mobilize TCC women to teach the Bible in their own sphere of influence. Those spheres of influence include one-to-one relationships, WBS (Women’s Bible Study) leaders, large-group teachers, curriculum writers (and many more areas). At the end of this training, we hope there will be a few women at TCC who are better equipped to handle the Word well. The participants are not automatically committing to teaching/leading by signing up. But we do hope you will want to use what you have learned to bless others in your sphere of influence.

The Content

Learning to teach the Bible (whether formally in public or informally across the dinner table) requires skills in interpretation and communication. Simply put, interpretation works to get a passage right; communication works to get a passage across to others. We will spend quite a bit of time on interpretation learning how to discover the main point of a passage by understanding its shape and flow, looking at its context (literary, historical, and biblical theological context), and considering its genre.

From that point, we will work together on communicating passages well. We will consider many contexts for communicating the Bible including one-to-one Bible reading, writing and leading Bible study curriculum, and giving a Bible talk. For those who want more specific training in any of those areas, there will be opportunity for further training beyond this platform.

The Agenda

We are going to use the summer months for training while WBS is on a break. Of course, we never take a break from studying God’s Word, but we are using these summer months to be intentional about growing in our ability to interpret the Bible well. We will have six training meetings—two in each of the months of June, July, and August, wrapping up with a final brunch. Here is what we will cover in our training meetings.

  • LEARN FROM OTHERS – Discuss assigned reading/listening: We will interact together as a group on what we have learned.
  • LEARN THE TOOLS – Principle of Exposition: Colleen McFadden will present Principles for interpretation and communication that every Bible teacher and leader needs. This time will be very interactive as we use Scripture as our textbook.
  • LEARN BY DOING – Present Preparation Worksheets: Two people will be assigned to present their Preparation Worksheets on a specific biblical passage at each meeting. Everyone will have a chance to present at least once throughout the duration of the training. Those not presenting will be expected to engage with helpful feedback. This is a collaborative group working to help one another make progress and celebrate our growth.

The six training meetings will be held on alternating Mondays at 7-9pm via Zoom.

The Homework

There is about 3-5 hours of preparatory work for each meeting.

  • READING/LISTENING (30-60 minutes) – Read the assigned portion (always fewer than 30 pages) or listen to the audio (~60 minutes) and write down questions and comments. We will interact together as a group on what we have learned.
  • PREPARTION WORKSHEETS (2-4 hours each) – Everyone (not just those presenting) is expected to complete a Preparation Worksheet for each passage assigned (download “Small Group Worksheet (for Women’s Workshops)” at the bottom of The worksheet can be overwhelming at first glance. We will all work together on this process and you won’t be left to figure it out on your own! There is no need to be nervous and it is alright to come with more questions than answers. The process will become more familiar the more we do it. We are all growing in our understanding of Scripture. This is our chance to grow with others who are rooting for us!

Sign up by emailing by Thursday, May 28.

Limit 10 women.